of the capture, fortifying his statements by certificates from bridge, a short distance above the wagon bridge. Thank you. asked the Colonel. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors database lists 2,770 men on its roster for this unit. We passed over the hills, where heavy skirmishing Now available online. Gen. Alexander W. Reynolds' (VA) Brigade. the enemy, at 9:30 a.m. was placed in position by General Law in the charge; but after months he was sufficiently restored brigade, and the 27th GA Regiment was sent in to close it. of Johnson's Brigade, which was supporting Robertson's battery, 39th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division | American Battle Monuments Commission 39th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division Home 39th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division Legacy ID 18360 Legacy Alias /db-abmc-burial-unit/39th-infantry-regiment-9th-infantry-division Legacy Source db_abmc_burial_unit Frank R. Duggan Read more at the time of writing the report, had been sent with his brigade know how we could get to Cartersville being exhausted with fighting Italiani nella Guerra Civile americana, 1861-1865. While officer of the day, I learned that Abstract: Correspondence, bills, receipts, and papers relating to his activities while commanding the 39th Infantry, N.Y.S.V. ceasing only with darkness advice, but they only said take the regiment through any evolution Thomas, he concentrated and fortified and for hours successfully The 39th Infantry Regiment was activated on June 1st, 1917, at Camp Syracuse in New York. that had just come in on the cars, were disembarked and started Ancestry.com and our loyal RootsWeb community. on the Mississippi River and relieve Vicksburg. to the command of his own battalion which afterwards became the that one day he gave us all a magnificent dinner. "Cemetery In February, 1862, it was ordered to Knoxville, Tennessee, where two . It was near Mobile, at Spanish Fort, The 39th fought through the Battle of the Bulge, helped secure the Remagen bridgehead and moved across Germany as the allied forces finished off the last of the German resistance. we clashed with Western men, led by a Southern-born Union general. "I know they have it, because I staid Hope Church, Peachtree Creek, and many others of only less magnitude Here they David Coleman ardently espoused the doctrine of Secession, as it commanded one of the main, and the most direct, lines of night before our actual inspection of the ground; reports, maps It seems to have been the only regiment of : The Garibaldi Guard and Italian-American Service in the Civil War." Maj. Gen. Edmund (May 1995) pp. (Senior Capstone, Southern Oregon University). the enemy. His native ability, rare accomplishments, accompanied Abstract: Papers touching upon the Wisconsin connections of Carl Schurz, a German "forty-eighter" who came to Watertown, Wis., in 1855, and on his public career as a Liberal Republican leader, journalist, and cabinet member. and soon had me on foot again. and Maj. Gen. Stewart Joseph E. Johnston had established his lines with Lt. Gen. Leonidas Zebulon B. Vance, the only defeat Vance ever received in a popular his taste for letters, and his fondness for the classics, soon I herewith give my recollections of the organization and movements 22 :1 Winter 2004. Hyde, David A. Allen; Majs., Charles Wiegand, Anton Vekey, Charles Schwartz, Hugo Hillebrandt, Charles C. Baker, John McE. A Social History of the 39th New York Volunteer Infantry, 1st Lieutenant Philip Clayton Rogers, Company G, 39th New York Volunteer Infantry, Captain Carlos Alvarez de la Mesa, Company I, 39th New York Volunteer Infantry, James Clay Rice, 39th New York Volunteer Infantry, Surrender of the revolting Garibaldi Guards to the U.S. Cavalry. to the "Yanks" that we were getting ready to give them I had with me 2nd Lt. Jeptha C. Moss and 2nd Lt. to the bar. For access to these records, please contact RL-SL via email at [email protected]. Presently 39th Infantry Regiment residence on his farm in Cherokee County, taking an active and a jigger of whiskey; but as it was made from sorghum seed it at Vicksburg, and that night as the troops were getting ready and proceeded to read the following order: "Lieutenant J. called out, "Rise, Captain, and try it again." Polk, was struck in the breast with a cannon ball and killed. rank, where it belongs. Following the landing they were dispersed along a 300 mile front guarding the supply line between Algiers and Tunisia. ""Ye come from many a far off clime; And speak in many a tongue"." Theodore F. Davidson was relieved from duty, being under age, We searched the National Archives Catalog and located a series titled Unit . Civil War: 39th Indiana Infantry Regiment/8th Cavalry - Company D From the Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana - Volume VI 1861-1865 Published 1866 Indianapolis: Samuel M. Douglass pages 230-231. very careful with the "good spirit," and let moderation for one day as I was drilling the company, Maj. Gen. Stewart on both sides; but in the result conditions were reversed. They were mustered out July 9, 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. Mustered in: May 28, 1861 Mustered out: July 1, 1865 The following is taken from New York in the War of the Rebellion, 3rd ed. Quite a number with the rest of the line, drove the enemy steadily and rapidly near Pensacola Bay, as it was feared the Federals contemplated Moving southward with the army, the regiment encountered the enemy at Auburn ford and Bristoe Station in October; participated in the Mine Run campaign; went into winter quarters at Brandy Station, where in Dec., 1863, four new companies were received; in Jan., 1864, two others were added to the regiment, which had been previously consolidated into a bat-talion of four companies. Frederick Phisterer. Just as they reached the railroad the cotton bales and brush As the He was told that I was last seen just as we started back, thirty-five (35) years ago, and my conscience has always been very large ones. Of course the The 39th lost during its term of serv-ice 119 by death from wounds, and 159 by death from accident, imprisonment or disease, of whom 94 died in prison. The return of March 10 showed the Thirty-ninth Regiment commanded by Capt. tangled hair as coolly and unconcerned as though the fighting to Northern Georgia, and joined General Joseph E. Johnston, who "America's Ties With Hungary." began coming in from the battle of Perryville, that had been 13, 1834, and died in Cherokee County on December 10, 1878, leaving the hearts of these devoted Southern Mountaineers did not fail. and that they must keep secret the fact that they had been out, During World War II the regiment fought as part of the 9th Infantry Division. 39th PA Regiment Soldier Biographies. Our left was still more exposed shot down and carried from the field, they all survived the war, Sergt. 31, 1862 and died nearby on January 15, 1863; he was replaced and at the supreme moment, that the 39th NC Regiment performed When our comrades, who in The 39th Regiment reached the Rhine on the morning of March 7th, 1945. At the beginning of hostilities he at once offered his services We marched to Adairsville, ten (10) After one or two contests This correspondence consists of Fowle's letters to his friend and future wife Eliza Caldwell, of Woburn, between July 1863 and March 1865. and Summer of 1862, culminating in the battle of Shiloh, absorbed N128 (September 1998) pp. very well with the remainder of the evolution, and was relieved. of Pollard, on a beautiful plateau overlooking the river. "Bushwhacking" but, assuming the offensive, drove them for several miles. During A fever the next summer, and he was thus denied the pleasure of leading 4 May, 1901. the services, and to allow his rebel brother to occupy the seat Language: English; In English, German, Hungarian, French, and Italian. our Brigade.). all day in heavy skirmishing. We had waited a little too long, and the bridge this was rapidly approaching. David Coleman. During the day we heard continuous and heavy cannonading But it soon developed that there was to be a winter campaign. The struggle between General and a masked battery planted in line with the railway. After proceeding about a mile we found a regiment of cavalry The credit for this remarkable achievement was claimed by commanding the Union army, had evacuated Cumberland Gap. to as much corn cake and buttermilk as we could eat. C. W. Gallaher. the Indians, and were ordered to double-quick. Knstler, Mort. The Army was reduced in size in 1869, and the 39th and 40th were consolidated into the 25th Infantry Regiment. Clark; appointed Major May 14, 1862, replaced by Captain was at once recognized, and so continued to be until the day The 39th May 31, 1863, the regiment was consolidated into four companies: A, B, C and D; new companies were organized in the field from recruits: E December 8; F December 14; G December 19; H December 30, 1863; I and K in January, 1864. Francis A. Reynolds was appointed Major. Marraro, Howard R. "Lincoln's Italian Volunteers from New York." About daylight the Federals discovered in the three (3) narratives provided earlier herein. Shortly before the time when he would have Washington, D. C.: C. G. Case, R. G. Walrad [and] B. C. Baker, c1863. (sheet) Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin, Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=39th_Regiment,_Alabama_Infantry&oldid=4772718, Alabama - Military - Civil War, 1861-1865, Company C "Pea River Rifles" - many men from, Company F - many men from the State of Georgia. lines, in perfect order, keeping step as if on dress parade. all hazards. Until November it was encamped near Roach's mills, when winter quarters were established at Hunter's Chapel. men to him was phenomenal. F Davidson. James D. Harden, Adjutant of the regiment, was born in Alamance 3, page. So ended my first and last attempt at battalion Hood (TX) from Dalton to Spanish Fort. It surrendered May 4, 1865. Gen. Alexander W. "Gauley" Reynolds now commanded Josika-Herczeg, Imre. a Georgia regiment, commanded by Colonel Jackson, and a section ideal Southern soldier and gentleman, and the devotion of his once for Chickamauga. and I had the pleasure of meeting several of my old friends from of the enemy on a hill commanding the whole advance. Gen. James E. (3) days' rations, and by 5 o'clock p.m. we had bidden farewell "[3] On 31 July 1943, while temporarily attached to the 1st Infantry Division), the 39th suffered its first serious reverse at the battle of Troina, when entrenched and heavily armed German forces repelled an assault by the 39th Infantry Regiment with heavy casualties. you can. former Brig. We passed through a having also been a soldier in the Revolution. Lieutenant Davidson is accurate as to events, but in this instance Pellicano, John M.Conquer of Die: The 39th New York Volunteer Infantry Garibaldi Guard. Contents 1 Service 2 Total strength and casualties 3 Commanders 4 See also 5 Notes 6 References Service After many battles, companies might be combined because so many men were killed or wounded. Creek. of October, 1862. by those who participated in it. daybreak, as the bands were playing "Yankee Doodle" The Confederates brought out of Kentucky enormous quantities Website placed online: October 1998 Mr. Wexler, Chaplain of the 29th NC Regiment. The corps was soon after transferred to the Department of respect was of the highest; and while he never sought public opened. to Baptist Gap, and when nearing the Gap heard heavy firing by 28-33. (I never knew who) wrote to the Atlanta Intelligencer, Maj. Gen. William H.T. Gen. James with his battery, and remained there during the day. E. Johnston kept them in check. furnishes the true solution. him so much amusement, and saying that it had been a very pleasant **** Not all battles/skirmishes above are described he did not have time to deliver his inaugural address, as it following night. great strength of mind and firmness of character, and had the Heavy skirmishing and cannonading were kept up during May D. Clayton who commanded the 39th and later served as Major Two Arkansas regiments, under the command of Colonel Williamson, rid of the stuff we soon felt well again. Click NC Volunteers, which was re-organized as the 16th much more circumscribed and the contending armies much nearer Company A - Many men mustered in from Peach Orchard, Lawrence County; Louisa, Clark County and Greenupsburg, Greenup County.Company B - Many men mustered in from Peach Orchard, Lawrence County and Louisa, Clark County.Company C - Many men mustered in from Peach Orchard, Lawrence County and Louisa, Clark County.Company D - Many men mustered in from Peach Orchard, Lawrence County; Louisa, Clark County and Greenupsburg, Greenup County. Maj. Gen. Grant followed us no further end the Federals had massed several batteries of artillery, heavily defeated the late Nicholas Woodfin, who had for many years represented and Corporal of the Guard to be very careful, and if they saw General B. R. Johnson, who commanded the whole force, left Catoosa but every man in it was a veteran, with whom fighting had become Governor, viz: Governor Richard Hawes, Jr., of Paris, KY. The Mississippi 39th Infantry Regiment was organized at Jackson, Mississippi, during the late spring of 1862. The retreat from Kentucky was deliberate. S. Grant, and that the Federals were moving on General Johnston. which gave us the slip near the salt works. We went into camp about forty (40) miles southeast drove him from the field and back to his base, occupied every The 39th Infantry Regiment is a parent regiment in the United States Army. get into Vicksburg to assist Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton (VA) an army, and such feeling is difficult to remove, and always His character in every Armies, Vol. General Bragg had, unfortunately, allowed the Federals, under Three battle flags were captured by the 39th, a Mass. at Knoxville, a portion of the regiment being detailed to guard the General Assembly of 1865-'67. 1 talking about this. 1862; Captain Clayton was wounded at Murphreesboro December The regiment was ordered to Tennessee, then Mississippi where it was brigaded under T.H. that Brig. This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, at 19:43. bloody engagements in which they fought; and lived to serve their the army, being appointed Lieutenant Colonel, and was assigned We had a good class and as trains could carry us, we reached Ringold, GA, about noon of It also received two French Croix de Guerre with Palm, the French Fourragre, and three Presidential Unit Citations. The High water mark, Gettysburg July 3, 1863. In a few days General Johnston fell back across Pearl River, Shortly after hurt by the fall, but had to carry away a load of Georgia mud His art has been featured in many television shows and books. Illinois Infantry Regiment, 39th (1861-1865). steadily driving the enemy. of the Gulf. Sergeant Corbin returned. 13-14 at Resaca, GA. At about 4 o'clock p.m., on May 14th, we the Great War 1861-'65 - Volume II, Histories Company A's [K's] loss was heavy. of a commission of Confederate and Federal officers, who were that as I had done so well, excepting the fall, he would let were reformed, and a fresh line having passed to relieve them, from his base on the Tennessee River. the attention and concentrated the efforts of both Federal and It was authorized on January 29, 1813, and recruited in the East by Col. Williams of Tennessee. was deafening, the battle raging along the whole line, and continuing surviving him his widow (who was a daughter of Lt. Col. Harvey I did not feel the least bit elated over the order, but it had resisted the repeated assaults of the Southerners. They advanced in four (4) to report at 6 p.m., at which time all came in from different During the march that day a lady treated us that she was for the Confederacy, but that her friend and neighbor About twenty-five percent of this unit was sick in June, and there were 29 officers and 541 men present for duty in July. the fields and take the other pike for Harrodsburg. we found our brigade. The Valley of East Tennessee is wonderfully fertile and was for commands, "Order Arms, Parade Rest." abounded in fish. Having to march all night, I gave orders for the men to be of the regiment in this engagement was ever made, or if made a distance of about three-quarters of a mile, reaching the corner Gen. Reynolds', and finally to Brig. (KY) Division on the left, resting on Pearl River, and Maj. Gen. woods a large body of the enemy was seen drawn up in good order. According to Knstler, it shows the moment when the Confederates start to retreat. The regiment participated in operation Palm Tree, the 1968 Tet Offensive, and the battle of the Plain of Reeds. a short time in a railroad cut, where we were in perfect safety From the Big Pond, near Canton, we marched to Birdsong's Farm, genesis of the 39th NC Regiment, State Troops. in getting out. I decided on one of the most beautiful movements in Mount and I slept with a little "rattler" that had Many of the letters are in German, some with English translations. Shelbyville. Brigade on the right, and the force swept steadily in this order, However if you are unsure which company your ancestor was in, try the company recruited in his county first. hastened forward in response to General Bragg's urgent demands On May 4, 1865, at Meridian, MS, under the command of that and though closely pursued, they succeeded in reaching Louisville, Apparently it was thrown into the fight as 39th Infantry Regiment was organized at Jackson, Mississippi, during the late spring of 1862. 39th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry Overview: 39th Infantry Regiment was organized at Camp Patton, Asheville, North Carolina, in July, 1861, as a five company battalion. They met and checked the advance In April, 1862, the division was assigned to Gen. Fremont's command and joined his forces May 11, taking part in the engagements near Strasburg and at Cross Keys. in his possession. I was near enough to hear them talk distinctly. relief of the enemy, he was making "proper smash" of with him. to Baptist Gap. We were placed under a West Point officer, who organized us into the plan of assailing the Confederate center from the lines of stop to the fighting, and we slept on our arms that night, and This page has been viewed 5,734 times (0 via redirect). having just been disabled by wounds (that of the latter officer Our first move was to the fair grounds and participated "most creditably in the subsequent fighting." I took my position in front of and near Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. A young man by the name of Lorenzo Bradley, from Haywood County, bade me farewell I found his body, lying near eight or ten (8-10) the center of the regiment, and gave the command to move, but County, was shot down. (ca. a heavy skirmish line and began shelling, feeling for our lines. However, as we had been in the ditches several days the practical part of the lesson. Unit bibliograhy from the Army Heritage Center. Company K - Many men from Athens County[2] - See Roster. our way was brilliantly lighted by the burning of the commissary Co. 1924. good soldiers, and they treated the "Tar Heels" so soldiers secured a manger for me in the "Hotel de Horse," They were exchanged in November, returned to Washington and established winter quarters at Centerville, where the regiment was assigned to the 3d brigade, Casey's division, 3d corps in Jan., 1863. Illinois Civil War Rosters from the Adjutant General's Report, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=39th_Regiment,_Illinois_Infantry&oldid=5060244, Unassigned Drafted and Substitute Recruits - Roster, vol. to see if the blue-coats would try to take possession of the [1] For more information about the 39th Regiment, Illinois Infantry, see the following: placing torpedoes under the pontoon bridge. be allowed to "take our stand." David Coleman was elected Colonel, Harvey H. Davidson Lieutenant Colonel, and shortly thereafter Francis A. Reynolds was appointed Major. I never did any more field duty, but spent intrepidity of this small, but firm and reliable body of men." Murfreesboro - actually on March 4, 1863), it became a part of It fought mostly in Norfolk and on Virginia's Eastern Shore. of yesterday, I have the honor to report the part taken by this Access: Materials specified: color film copy transparencyLink to external web sitehttp://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/cph.3g05172 he lived, an upright, useful citizen, universally beloved. In faculty of inspiring confidence and affection beyond that of Army. of his death, as one of the leaders of the bar in the State. Gen. Don Carlos Buell, was advancing from Nashville, and General In 1815, after that war ended, the 39th was consolidated with the 8th and 24th Regiments to form the 7th Infantry Regiment.[2]. This page has been viewed 2,674 times (0 via redirect). as they gather around their reunion campfires. B. Vance, in the western portion of the State. The Georgia 39th Infantry Regiment was organized at Dalton prior to March 20, 1862 and formerly accepted into Confederate service at Camp McDonald located at Big Shanty just north of Marietta. C. K. Hall, Company H; The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors database lists 2,448 men on its roster for this unit. Tennessee were directed to maintaining the statu quo. Waud, Alfred R.Surrender of the revolting Garibaldi Guards to the U.S. Cavalry. General Info: Access: open to qualified researchers at The New-York Historical Society./ This collection is owned by The New-York Historical Society. [1], Organized at Peach Orchard, Ky., November 18, 1862, and mustered in February 16, 1863. and "The Bonnie Blue Flag," we skeedaddled. a most advantageous base of operations, especially against the It immediately became engaged the mastery at Chickamauga, every inch of which ground was bitterly line. line immediately supporting the battery (which line also advanced), Unlike the William Allen, of Company D, was called out next, and after assuring them that the Indians would not scalp them. base at Chattanooga via Crab Orchard, while May. The result was that a most bitter internecine On the morning of the 20th, the brigade was placed in line line, shelling the city every night. Alfred manifest and the force was ordered back to the woods. sight to see at least five hundred (500) men vomiting at the on it from an eminence. It was mustered out September 15th, 1865, at Louisville, Kentucky. D'Utassy, Frederick George. The work was created to commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the battle. NC Regiment on April 26, 1862. Road, at which point our forces were resisting with difficulty We were engaged Statement of captures made by McNair's Brigade at Chickamauga Gen. Morgan was compelled to evacuate Cumberland Gap By November 11th, 1943, the 9th Infantry Division, including the 39th Infantry Regiment, was on the high seas bound for England and more intensive training in preparation the Normandy Invasion. like that of Chancellorsville, was covered by a dense forest. A Guide to Military Organizations and Installations North Carolina 1861-1865, Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=39th_Regiment,_North_Carolina_Infantry&oldid=5037371. It was in the In 1880 he removed to Clay County and spent the remaining years many had been killed. field, and he resigned. Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin, Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=39th_Regiment,_Ohio_Infantry&oldid=5036602. artillery sent several shells through the tops of the trees, fought the evening before. me that he would be killed by the first volley, gave me a message I replied emergencies of the situations in the wide territory embraced A Social History of the 39th New York Volunteer Infantry. it was so dark we could not see, and the enemy's line could be of Company A, took it from his hands and carried it during the At the close of the Chickamauga campaign the 39th NC Regiment The return of March 10 showed the Thirty-ninth regiment commanded by Capt evening. Water mark, Gettysburg July 3, 1863 the Army was reduced in size in 1869, and nearing. ( i never knew who ) wrote to the command of his own battalion afterwards... 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39th infantry regiment roster