Personally, I myself hold the view that even in case of a large-scale theft hands should not be cut off and there should not be any punishment for two unrelated people of opposite sex meeting in public. Communities who accept the different talents from all members do much better off than those that supress and hold members to preconceived ideas about their roles. The Court, in this case, works as a subject court and not a court of enforcing regulations. aamina.its been around 4 years since this posting was first created. Your view of the world is so narrow and sad it is as though you are refusing life, the existence we have, if that is your lack of intelligence, inquiry, imagination or strength, then OK. If the opponent or his representative is absent from the first session of the opposition hearing; The court decides on its own initiative to waive his right to object, and this resolution is final. Where on heavens do we get to hear about several heads of Saudis getting knocked off in one day? If he could get an established muttawa from a mosque to vouch for him, then he might be lucky enough to be let go with a warning. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has recently issued a Judicial Costs Law (the " Law "), which will come into effect on 10 Shaaban 1443 AH corresponding to 13 March 2022 AD. He should also tell the judge that since the incident, he has become a born again Muslim. There is need for such articles to know about Saudi Arabic, Saudiwoman, it must be sureeal to have such large debates spring from your words. As a muslim, I am proud of an islamic law . "The strokes, delivered through a thin shirt, are not supposed to leave permanent damage, but to leave painful welts that bleed and bruise.". Defend labour rights In addition, the Kingdom has implemented significant reforms to the legal system, including the introduction of the 2018 . but what is your take on this are you saying that this is inhuman and barbaric or you also agree with this kilawya and hand chopping things ? Maybe you can write next articles referring to this article. Truth is worst to hear sometimes. It only indicates mean mindedness and cheap thinking. barbarian rules!! The traditional alliance between Saudi Arabia and the United States has frayed under President Joe Biden's administration over the 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents . Aug 24, 2022. This article realy shocked me. ok this is how things are ! but a coffee shop or resturant .. man that is sick! This law is just to protect our goods an Allah is fair ! [4]:160, There are also non-Sharia courts covering specialized areas of law, including the Board of Grievances,[6]:23 the Specialized Criminal Court, created in 2008,[7] and the Supreme Court. Ask not questions about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. the woman is guilty too.she should feel embarrassment and pain. The flogging and imprisonment sentences against the Arab woman and two Saudi men were upheld by the country's appeal court. [4]:160 The Sharia courts will therefore lose their general jurisdiction to hear all cases and the work load of the government's administrative tribunals will be transferred to the new courts. Great Post, JUDICIAL CORPORAL PUNISHMENTJudicial Corporal PunishmentPractices in Singapore and Saudi ArabiaCorporal punishment is the act of causing bodily harm with the intent to torture anoffender until they are in an excruciating amount of pain or near death. In October 2011 eight workers from Bangladesh were beheaded for attacking an Egyptian security guard who had died in the process. Do you really think God would bother to come up with specific, and fairly nonsensical, rules such as one form of sentient being, specifically human females, should cover themselves in black so they have no identity and exist in a reduced state? ", Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. On October 1, 2007, a royal order approved the new system. 100 percent terrorist are wahabis. Wow! The most notorious of which is cutting off the hands of thieves. A Judicial Caning in Saudi Arabia - A Kane Magazine Short Story eBook : Holder, C., Harrison Marks, G., James, Cliff: Tienda Kindle A community cannot flourish if leaders surpress half of its population. Sometimes, there are alot of stories, where in some poor developing countries workers are setup for the crimes they have not committed. US State Department Report on Human Rights Practices for 2004 No one gets their hand cut for petty theft, but when you have a gang who goes around robbing houses, then that punishment comes onto the table. Judgments, decisions and orders issued by the courts. The Basic Law protects the elderly by providing a stable social security system, while the United Nations General Assembly adopted the following principles related to the elderly which includes their right to independence, participation, care, self-realization, and dignity. Six days later, the Sharjah court ordered a 24-year old Filipina maid to receive 180 strokes of the cane for adultery with a male Indian friend. For another video clip, showing a quite different kind of Saudi JCP or prison CP (falaka - whipping of the feet), see this separate page. Flogging sentences are normally combined with imprisonment. what will be the punishment for a women if she didnt wear a veil or clothes that are supposed to wear in Saudi arabia ? What kind of childlike communication attempt, as much an effort to appear generationally hip can be taken seriously, when the very idiocy they represent runs rampant in their ability (or inability/refusal) to conform to simple rules and standards of communication? In the Holy Quran, it states that four witnesses to the act have to be found for it to be punishable. That alone makes it a lot more powerful than the much vaunted Abrahamic god. Legal and Judicial Structure Since Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state, its judicial system is based on Islamic law (Shari'ah) for both criminal and civil cases. The three were caught with a large number of Islamic religious books. Quran is for eternity not just for 7th century, Quran has no prescribed time, its for every century till the the Last Day. Its time to bring Islam up to the modern standards of Judaism & asking questions! I see you dont monetize, dont waste your traffic, Amnesty document (March 2000) in which two people, one male and one female, describe the experience of receiving a court-ordered flogging in Saudi Arabia. Step outside the box. Some years back I had the opportunity to work in Saudi Arabia for two long years. about that. At paragraph 32 we are informed that the Saudi Arabian judiciary is "completely independent", a claim not supported by various USSD and Amnesty reports. This is carried out by the implementation of necessary measures to facilitate the needs of ensuring their protection throughout the legal system, allowing them to request reconciliation services, empower women as lawyers and obtain a notarized license thus leading to the overall social development and empowerment of females in the justice system and general workforce. Why are so many of the men threatened by women? (LogOut/ Another important factor in the justice system is the method of legal proceedings in Saudi courts, the seven judicial services, arbitration for commercial disputes and contacting licensed lawyers. The HRW spokesperson adds that the accused is "shackled" during the punishment, and is "sometimes" permitted to wear a single layer of clothing; I had had the impression that that was always so. Now if what she told us is not true, tell us. 9, Diplomatic Quarter Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Telephone: (966) (11) 488-3800 Emergency Telephone: (966) (11) 488-3800 Fax: (966) (11) 488-7670 [email protected]. On 2 April, an Asian housemaid was condemned by the Sharjah court to 140 lashes and a year in prison for an alleged extra-marital relationship. On 31 August, 2021 . vertigo by U2 (my first name is phil). Please could the blog be ordered in reverse so most recent comments are seen first at the top of the blog? Please tell us why Liking another person, even holding their hand, kissing them, even having sex, makes people happy and brings about new life- so it seems to be something good not bad. i am a native european and i was offered a job as a therapist in aday spa in ryadh and the pay sounded fantastic. On 23 March this year, an Islamic court there ordered two women to receive 180 lashes for alleged adultery. But many people dont dig deep enough to know that a thief has to steal a substantial amount to get that punishment. 91) Allah has hated you[for] asking too many questions. (vol. As an Asian diplomat put it apologetically: "They must be restrained in case they run amok during the beatings." This difference in approach is supposed to reflect the idea that Saudi floggings are intended primarily as symbolic humiliation rather than intensely painful retribution, and is in line with a rule in the Koran that the operator is required to keep a copy of the holy book under his arm, so that he will not swing the whip from the shoulder but only from the elbow. do not put questions about things which if declared to you may trouble you, and if you question about them when the Quran is being revealed, they shall be declared to you; Allah pardons this, and Allah is Forgiving, Forbearing. Any interaction between unrelated members of the opposite sex is forbidden in Saudi Arabia, and members of the religious police, escorted by normal police, patrol the streets enforcing that law. Saudi woman, you are really a big mother dam fucker go fuck your self chris because your mind is not in your heAD ITS IN YOUR BLOODY SMELLY ASSS you peoples are cowards bloody fucking christians good for nothing. After the arbitrator(s) are chosen, the SCCA will contact the arbitrators and notify them of their appointment and follow the procedures set forth on the Rules regarding disclosures. (vol. It does state how things are. The Online Dispute Resolution Protocol is designed to resolve small disputes, with a cap amount of 200,000 SAR, quickly, fairly, and inexpensively in order to move on with their business relationship. 1. Now, he is in jail as MOFA found out that the Nikah Nama he was trying to attest is fake and also the authorities discovered that his conversion to Islam is not complete. They have no choice but to communicate with the opposite sex. What business is it of yours what two unrelated people do? Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith. (Surah 5:101-102). i am not lying. Bamboo is too stiff and brittle to behave like a whip.). The perfect analogy! In Ancient Times the Price for Killing a Swan, was Death. The is first fallacy , because its not Saudi law , its Islamic law. 10 Facts of Saudi Arabia. Its not just a question of whether they are allowed Islamically or not. (LogOut/ Tmn menetelmn pitisi mys olla huomaamaton a helppokyttinen. Kimtings Method To Go Viral. A chance meeting with a boyfriend, an innocent friendship or a serious love affair all have provoked the wrath of five-man sharia courts. However, no news reports to that effect have come to hand. SO PLEASE CHANGE THE LAWS PEOPLE LOVE EACH OTHER AND GET MARRIED THEN ONLY THERE LIVES WILL BE GOOD WE ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO INTERFARE IN THERE WORLD I CAN UNDERSTAND WAT OUR PROPHET (PUBH) SAID US BUT RETHINK IT YOUR ALSO A HUMAN SOME DAY U WILL ASLO DO THEY THINKING IN YOUR LIFE The article also claims that there is unhappiness in the country about inconsistent sentencing, suggests that there are too many flogging sentences, and calls on the government to codify the laws. The report for 2000 adds that 5 persons were sentenced to 2,600 lashes, and 4 persons to 2,400 lashes, for "deviant sexual behavior". Saudi and other Islamic nations need to rethink. The court may authorize the attorney when necessary to deposit the copy of the document at a date specified, provided that this does not exceed the first session of the pleading. Why not? Supplementing the Shariah courts is the Board of Grievances, which hears cases that involve the government. Ich bewundere die mutigen Frauen, die fr die Gleichberechtigung in ihrem Land kmpfen! The bible now a days available is not that bible which was written by the God almighty bcoz after jesus the bloody crusades amended your bible and you also believe that its been amended. If the plaintiff is absent from a hearing and does not present a valid and excusable reason that is accepted by the court, the court case will be cancelled. for you to call youself abdul implies thath you are a servent and for those of you who do not understand allah states for people to question as their sense are limited to 5 while allah is all knowing all wise and may your tongue be cut off for what you say about islam. The USSD has now decided to refer to all Saudi JCP as "lashing" and makes no reference to different implements. In 1998 judicial floggings continued to be imposed "routinely". I certainly dont think the answer is to excuse women, thereby re-enforcing their child-like (lack of status) but such blatent hypocrisy is so disturbing. So you want our Glorious Quran to be re written so that this Glorious Quran can be turned into corrupted scriptures written by people of so called 21st century just as how the Christians have done with their bible and the Jews with their scripturesthese ignorant people sold Gods words for moneythey werent worshiping God in first place they were worshiping money(also currently the 21st century god of humankind). yeah well that is their way dont say anything about other peoples god learn to respect other religions Muslims are all around you so respect their religion and they will respect yours. Cites several whipping cases, with some detail of how particular floggings were carried out. First off all, all praises be to Allh, you have said the law which Saudi implements is cruel. Allah may know best for you, but I implore you to pray for some skills and self respect when it concerns communicating with others, especially internationally. The Shariah courts are organized into several categories: Courts of the First Instance (Summary and General Courts), Courts of Cassation and the Supreme Judicial Council. But if ye ask about things when the Quran is being revealed, they will be made plain to you, Allah will forgive those: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing. let me know what will be the solution for a person. Allah Knows Best.. @nunu How does one take serious the reply from any individual who repeatedly uses zeros as vowels, omits vowels in others and combined zeros and o in the same word? Saudi woman, Sharia Law is inferior to Common Law developed in England and what is better is that we have a complete separation of Church / Mosque & State. What I find astonishing is the way women in a country like KSA have no legal status as adults, yet are held fully accountable for criminal actions. The power of attorney may be proven in the session with a report written down in its official record, and signed or fingerprinted on it with his thumb by the authorizer. Didnt Meccans know him better? Badawai was sentenced to 10 years in . 10. That should be considered. They just scroll to the bottom and click I agree. . should i take my wife with me against her father? So youre basically saying that khilwa is not a bad thing and people should be punished for committing adultery or khilwa ?. Although I think that she is not a journalist. But I have to say, it sounds like you all live in a giant public prison! May you continue to blinded by faith and receive your daily beatings, I mean rewards, from the men surrounding you while you walk in public wearing your bee suit. If the defendant fails to attend in situations related to marital matters, custody, alimony, visitation or guardianship, the court may order his presence forcibly. [6]:2830 The judiciary proper (that is, the body of qadis) is composed of about 700 judges. [3], The Sharia courts have general jurisdiction over most civil and criminal cases. Be justified? One reader describes being himself judicially caned in Saudi Arabia in 1994 (probably a hoax: it was in the Daily Mail). Last month alone saw another spate of lashings. If you are believing that they are also muslims and they behave well with muslims. It is very difficult to get a fair trail for any person. [4]:146, The judicial establishment, in the broadest sense, is composed of qadis, who give binding judgements in specific court cases, and muftis and other members of the ulama, who issue generalized but highly influential legal opinions (fatwas). By the way, I applaud you women for what you are doing to extend yourselves and gain freedoms for women within these societies that are oppressed. I can see how such topics can be difficult to discuss, I dont agree on authorities penalizing Khilwa, it will never stop, and it cant be dealt with as such, capital punishments deserve to be visited by scholars for re-evaluation of a more evidence-based, constructive and less harmful punishments, keep on blogging!!! From there, they go straight to the courts and are lashed. By one estimate, 80% are from Al-Qassim province, the conservative religious heartland of Saudi Arabia in the center of the country. Fourth case:Reviewing requests for reconsideration of judgments issued by it. HRW describes the implement used as "a bamboo whip about 7 feet long". Quoted in this Nov 2007 American TV report, Human Rights Watch went so far as to say that flogging was "almost always" a component of any Saudi court sentence. Just because someone is sitting with unrelated person in a public place, doesnt mean that it is not khilwa. what do u mean take his sister along? [8] The king also appointed a new head of the Board of Grievances and Abdulrahman Al Kelya as the first chief justice of the new Supreme Court.[8][9]. My husband has converted to islam last year and married another woman recently. If this is true, the paucity of such photographs might be explained by the fact that anyone caught taking pictures of such events is himself severely punished, according to some anecdotal evidence. 1, no. "We went to see her and she was, well, not happy about it," an official from the embassy said. [8], In 2008, the Specialized Criminal Court was created. The Saudi court system consists of three main parts. 5. It serves as a guideline for all legal matters in Saudi Arabia. All the media is state controlled, nothing goes out independently and alot of red tape is present. I wanted to write a little comment to support you. and any attempt made to justify (no matter how illogically) why women can be legally held fully accountable and punished under the law for their actions in a country that denies them adult legal status and where they are therefore deemed NOT responsible for their lives. Local courts routinely order floggings, often of hundreds of lashes -- or even thousands, inflicted in instalments. You are all on the same team, as a whole community. Good journalism is to create discussion and thinking and she just did. I want to ask your help. [10]:81, The capabilities and reactionary nature of the judges have been criticized. Scandinavia probably has the most equal male and female relations and is the safest for women, while the Muslim countries have the least and probably are some of the least safe for women. [15][16] On 26 June 2011, the court started trials of 85 people suspected of being involved in Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and the 2003 Riyadh compound bombings,[14] and in September 2011 another 41 al-Qaeda suspects appeared in the court. The woman, who was also sentenced to four months imprisonment, was found guilty of being in the company of two men, who were not her relatives. But maybe there should be some exceptions for business purposes only when foreign business women have to work with a local Saudi partner. The punihsment given here is the way Islam has asked to do so. He asked me one 50 saw a card I said no and after that he sent me following messages can anyone tell what does it mean. It is certainly clear in one of the two available photographs (see above) that the operative is raising his caning arm high and has no book under it. Amnesty International Report 1999 Its no better than a 5 year olds thinking. You cant justify such an act of utter brutality by saying, oh, we only do this for really, really bad theft! Resolute requests seeking reconsideration of judgments issued by it. Some have been doomed from the very start a few, perhaps, were intended to be stillborn. [7] The court tries suspected terrorists[14] and human rights activists. They proclaim to the whole wide world that they implement and practice Sharia Law in their country to the hilt. When you are brutal to others, you should be met with the same force. He is being held up (somewhat incompetently) against the back of a police van and punished with what is either a somewhat rigid whip or an extremely flexible long cane. Crime is not Tolerated in Totalitarian Societies like Medieval Spain, The Former Soviet Union, or Communist China ect ect. Take the case of the small Arab emirate of Sharjah. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. In Saudi Arabia, the girls are held down by a policewoman while they are whipped by a man. Amnesty International Report 1997 @David, the last TESTAMENT of GOD is QURAN, Allah spoke to his Prophets before and also to the last messenger pbuh. It will also highlight the five stages of issuing laws, which consist of Suggestion Stage, Voting Stage, Validation Stage, Release Stage and Publication Stage. you can earn additional bucks every month with new monetization method. Totally absurd. The relevant court specializes in the disputes that occur in its circuit. hahaha please suggest? [4]:160 Another important change is the establishment of appeal courts for each province. Monday - Friday 9:00am5:00pm, Main Number:(202) 342-3800 It all looks decidedly informal and ad hoc and arbitrary, but then the whole Saudi system is very ad hoc and arbitrary. We all muslims love to have this law. I dont know the details such as whether or not the thief had a previous history of stealing. Remember the case of I think that the Quran that dictates all these barbaric punishments should be rewritten Senior judges will only allow like-minded graduates of select religious institutes to join the judiciary and will remove judges that stray away from rigidly conservative judgments. but. [1]:110 [2] There are also non-Sharia government tribunals which handle disputes relating to specific royal decrees. I must compliment you on your very informative blog. thanks Ms. Eman .. It shows how these rules are being manipulated by some people to their own advantage. Emergency Contact Numbers. Let other people be ruled by unthinking dogma from outdated books, let reason and evidence speak for us. !poor womens, no possible for me life in SK. April 2005 release from Human Rights Watch gives a bit more information about the case of 35 men sentenced to jail and lashes for "deviant sexual behaviour" at an alleged gay party. This section is dedicated to the efforts carried out by the Ministry of Justice in relation to litigation proceedings. THIS SO BAD TO KNOW OF SHARIA LAWS PEOPLE STEAL DUE THEY HAVE PROBLEMS ONLY NOT FOR SIMPLE THINK WAT WILL HAPPEN TO THERE PARNETS THESE TO BAD OF SAUDI LAWS . Punishments like stoning , cutting of parts of your body , beheading , blinding etc., cannot come from God or his word, there fore it is clear that such harsh treatment meted out on women and offenders come certainly from the devil. A party requesting an arbitration should fill out the Request for Arbitration From and submit it to SCCA and send a copy of the Request to the Respondent. But reading your blog is such a cultural shock for a guy like me who lives in Montral. ", Asian girls who become pregnant are almost inevitably doomed to be flogged. In reality, should you not be guided, its sufficient to know that you and anyone (myself included) who opposes Allaah and his messenger will be dealt with severely in the hereafter (whether you believe it or not). Ayesha, your response is, at least, unfortunate. It is not right to use these punishments. It will continue to stifle thought, human rights, individuality, originality and truth. Obviously he will be convicted but should he be sent to jail or set free now he isnt a threat to society? Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. At that time, I was invited to a corporal punishment downtown for some women who decided that they were allowed to drive ambulances because they saw the American women driving, has that changed? That whole post is the reasoning of a child: a violent intolerant child without wisdom. 76-77), The prophet was asked about things which he did not like, and when the questioner insisted, the Prophet got angry. They are specialized in enforcing the following: Laws are issued in the Kingdom after passing five stages that are completed by the constitutional systems. Why, So that you may be forgiven. One Western medical worker who was herself imprisoned on fraudulent charges of "attempted seduction" has reported that several women in Saudi prisons "allege that on being arrested by police or muttawa [religious police], they are sexually molested". In April 2005, a royal order approved in principle a plan to reorganize the judicial system. The Courts of Appeal shall review the judgments issued by the courts of First instance, after hearing the litigants' statements, in accordance with the Shariah Procedure Law and Law of Criminal Procedure. the person who offered the position was a wealthy lady and had with her a maid from malaysia and treated like a slave .if that saudi rich woman did that in europe or america she would be scraping herown pots ironing her own clothes and so on .irecently saw adocumentary about the pakistani workers in the oil field and its scandalous .THEY ARE SLAVES.a handful of people have toomutch andthe rest go hungry. The Quran tells us: not to make friendship with Jews and Christians (5:51), kill the disbelievers wherever we find them (2:191), murder them and treat them harshly (9:123), fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (9:5). Who defines justice? The judiciary of Saudi Arabia is a branch of the government of Saudi Arabia that interprets and applies the laws of Saudi Arabia. -J Burgoyne. The largest is the Shariah Courts, which hear most cases in the Saudi legal system. Saudi Arabia also announced judicial reforms, putting the Kingdom on a path to establishing codified law - a considerable step in a traditionally conservative country whose legal system is based on sharia, or Islamic law. There are highly selective quotes from various naive letters to British newspapers upholding tough sentences. Apart from anything else, why follow the prophet Mohammed? Female Maid servants life is miserable, please do not take up jobs as female maid servants, as they are subjected to sexual harassment and 90% cases are that you are forced to have sex with the head of the family and the children of the family. For more details click here. And several more, worldwide! Shariah presumes that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty, and only in serious crimes or in cases of repeat offenders is one likely to witness severe punishments. Please, please look into other translations, interpretations and the history of your faith and see for yourself. Bring Islam up to the efforts carried out by the courts and are lashed October 2011 eight from... And criminal cases who become pregnant are almost inevitably doomed to be.!, no possible for me life in SK you are commenting using Twitter! Since the incident, he has become a born again Muslim said the law which Saudi is... Large number of Islamic religious books on heavens do we get to hear about several heads of getting. Islamic religious books four witnesses to the bottom and click i agree by dogma! This law is just to protect our goods an Allah is fair Saudi as! A judicial caning in saudi arabia like me who lives in Montral opposite sex first at the top of blog... 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judicial caning in saudi arabia