how to identify alabama pottery
110 year later came this "The Gold Royal" typewriter Vohann is another example of a glazed bottom with firing pins. Heavy rim or collar, vertical or slightly inverted. They may indicate the origin of the pottery and can help to identify pottery with no markings. Im always interested in documenting, trading or buying new stoneware. They involve examining the physical attributes of the artifact, such as the weight, color, glazing type, and design. The truth of the matter is that some of these pieces are priceless, and it helps to know how to identify them. Henriot used a number of different marks beginning in 1891, with "HR" being the first. Well, some of the pottery lovers like myself have spent years identifying American pottery, and one of the best ways to do this is by looking at the bottom of the piece. Robinson Ransbottom Pottery's cobalt blue crown mark drew much attention. 5th century pottery has linear designs straight or curvilinear lines. Several potteries used a pale yellow clay that looks as if it has some pink. The age of the piece. How to Identify a Mark If the piece of pottery or porcelain you have has a mark on it, you can identify it in several ways. How to identify US pottery companies and origins by clay color. Different colors are associated with different regions in the United States. Salt glaze pottery appeared in the 1830's along the shores of Mobile Bay. Flint-tempered Mildenhall pottery. Compare these cups and saucers (left) with the Gilmer vase (above). On the day, folk art appraiser Wes Cowan was able to identify the jug as from the late 1800s, and with a bit more research, we later discovered that the jug contains a good amount of Alabama pottery history and perhaps residue from some interesting liquids as well. The glaze of china pottery is smooth, with hardly any breaks or cracks. In addition some new fabrics emerge. Think about this. This type of flagon had an almost cylindrical neck, out-curved lips and might be single or doubled-handled. The discoloration of clay can also be heavily indicative of its origin. And don't we have a lot of fun!/ It is that combination of details that help the pottery enthusiast to determine the maker. While each of these types has unique characteristics that distinguish them, they all have similar primary features. Yellow clay was primarily from Ohio, so most of the Ohio potteries used yellow clay. This type of glazed is made up of four elements: color, size, type, and flowers and patterns. It may also give some insight into why some people pick up pottery and check out the bottom. The era of standard glazethe shiny brown finish used by Weller, Loy-Nel-Art, Peters and Reed and Rozanewas at the turn of the Twentieth Century. Oxidising environment: there is an excess of oxygen in the kiln, causing the organic matter in the clay to be released as carbon dioxide, resulting in red or brown cores. Slavid recommends that you head to the library and look for books on the mark. The way the numbers are written, the style of number and even the number of numbers are all significant in determining the maker of a piece of pottery. Organisation of pottery industries: many tasks involved; slippreparing, mould-making, stamp-making etc. Old china pottery is among the most valuable artifacts around. how to identify alabama potteryaffidavit of death of joint tenant fresno county how to identify alabama pottery Menu match the seafloor terms to their correct definitions. There are also some California potters who used stilts or firing pins for most of their glazing. 3. These stilt marks (left) can help you establish the maker of this bowl. The stoneware tradition runs deep across our state. Roseville, McCoy pottery, Rookwood, and other potteries have numerous identification marks, depending on when they were made. They are looking under the pot for answers! About the Author: Linda H. Richard has been collecting American Pottery for twenty years, and has been an ISA Appraiser for ten years. Thetford Ware I may also get a commission from other affiliate programs. How to identify collectable and vintage pottery dogs made in the USA. Ada clay was a yellow beige and was earlier than the red clay pieces. The folks on the "old house" forum suggested I post this here. Fingernail and finger tipped impressed decoration on rims and shoulder or on cordons. "I know there's a lot of envious people hearing that story" Compile your research into a notebook, including any photos you have found that show examples of specific trademarks, common pieces, etc. Pottery is usually the most common find and potsherds are more stable than organic materials and metals. Pottery identification is a valuable aid to dating of archaeological sites. Learn how to value and identify antiques and collectibles, including furniture, jewelry, pottery and more. Firstly, check if it has a signature or markings on the base and if these are genuine. Entrepreneurial potters followed these settlers into Alabama, establishing studios in what became known as "jugtowns," almost always located near clay deposits. The only way that you can usually identify unmarked pottery is through the design, texture, color, weight and hardness of the artwork. Even with the transportation costs, they could undersell local potters. This mark was used by the Jules Henriot factory in Quimper, France known for making faience pottery. In a little log hut we call our own/ "The potters couldn't compete with products that were shipped, usually from the North. Alamo and Gilmer often have a completely unglazed bottom, while Camark and Niloak may have just a dry foot. See the Frankoma pitcher, right. St Neots Ware Identifying China Pottery with No Markings. Many of these ceramics, though, are difficult to identify as they were commonly marked simply with "Italy" and a number, so a picture of the piece can be an invaluable first step toward future identification. For more information, see the book (affiliate link) ALAMO POTTERY: A History of Alamo Pottery and its Offspring, Gilmer Pottery by N.P. Look at the feet on the Frankoma leaf (left). One way to identify an antique vase is to check for the artist's name on the bottom of the vase. The words said 'Mana' not Yang at all. decoration using different coloured clays and slips to produce flamboyant decoration on jugs. Values for Mary Kirk Kelly (American/Alabama, 1918-2013), two ceramic gourds, the multi-color signed and dated 1987, the other signed, taller 6 1/4 in. As time passed, we learned a great deal about the potters that lived in and passed through Alabama. Decoration on funerary vessels is very variable. Pottery is an amazing artifact. 2023 Peach State Archaeological Society. Thus, glaze trends can be noted and be identified with a particular period. Note the difference, though. Theres a useful guide to recording of pottery prepared by Kevin Leahy and Helen Geake for the Portable Antiquities Scheme: Be part of Peterborough Archaeology. Antique vases consist of various . Click (or tap) on them to see it. Frequently recovered from burial contexts and used to contain cremated bone. I could save you hours of frustration. You ought to check the bottom of the piece in the unglazed area to determine the original color of the clay used. Pitchers are found in areas well beyond East Anglia around the seaboard of Middle Saxon England. We are clay in His hands. This period is defined in particular by the arrival of Christianity. One can identify it by tapping the piece lightly. This blog is a chronicle of what I have learned as I got back into the potter's saddle! LeAnn's says the jug sits decoratively in the corner of her kitchen. Pottery. Refrigeration also made some of the containers, such as churns and jars, less essential. Information and help identifying American pottery bird figurines by the maker, the marks, clay colors, types and styles of figurines. But what was the jug that showed up in Tulsa made for? Middle Saxon Period (early/mid 7th mid 9th century AD). Other times, though, it comes unmarked. How to identify US pottery companies and origins by clay color. An unmarked pot or a pot marked "USA" can be categorized by region even if you don't know much about American pottery. A higher proportion of water mixed with clay results in a liquid solution that can be added to the vessel surfaces to form a slip. Learn about the different types and history of Zia and Acoma pottery. For example, you probably know that Frankoma was made with a red clay for many years. I dug up this pottery shard in my yard and told my 9-year-old daughter I'd try to find out when it might be from. Study Group for Roman Pottery: The, Shelly wares are also produced in the Peterborough area however they are difficult to tell apart from the Rockingham forest industries, the Northamptonshire Shelly wares or, Essex Micaceous Sandy wares are found all over South Cambridgeshire from the 11/12th century. Also, it is leveled perfectly such that it is perfectly balanced when placed on a flat surface. Clays in some regions, such as the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay, much of east-central Alabama, the mountains of northeast Alabama, the Tuscaloosa area, and the northwest counties of Marion and Lamar, attracted potters who specialized in a type of pottery known as stoneware. Antique pottery & porcelain marks identification guide january 1, 2020 every collector knows that the quickest way to identify a piece of pottery or porcelain is to identify the mark , but sometimes it's unreliable because marks areAn Identification Guide Of Late 19th and Early 20th Century Italian Pottery & Porcelain Marks For English-Speaking Collectors.. Any pottery that has been soaked in water may be beige, too, so beware of dirty bottoms! Antique Collection Bourbon. Ipswich ware (end 7th century c. 875 AD), Late Saxon (c. mid 9th mid 11th century AD). The rock is igneous and the only source is Mountsorrel in Leicestershire. You do this by looking at the clay color. [retrieved from], Identifying American Pottery: Look at the Bottom, Shopping for Vintage and Collectable American Pottery, Identify Antique and Collectable Pottery Dog Figurines, Differences in Ceramics, Glass, Pottery, and China. Identify your pots and porcelain with this reference guide to Pottery marks found on U.S. and some Canadian pottery. No way!" See more ideas about pottery, antique pottery, sand. Ada clay was from an area outside Ada, Oklahoma and it was a tan color. Since antiques are valuable, many faux potteries are disguised to look like antiques. However, more recently, I found myself being drawn back to pottery and the potter's wheel. To determine the authenticity of pottery, there are factors you would have to put into consideration. Western Stoneware and Monmouth made tan clay pots as well, but some of their output was stoneware, a different composition and higher firing temperature than the pottery production. Therefore, it is advised that you use a clean towel to wipe the bottom of the piece thoroughly. Harris G. Strong used red clay sometimes, too, and Nicodemus is a red clay pottery. The patterns on china pottery are based on the period of production. Stamford Ware However very little decoration is present on the utilitarian cooking ware forms. Oxford red colour coated-ware (240 AD early 5th century AD). Some Weller has a distinctive three-part seam at the bottom, like this Weller vase (left) where the seam is clearly visible. --------Click on the surface treatment that most resembles your find-----------. Also present in the SouthEast (London) and Hadrians Wall. Robinson-Ransbottom made some yellowware, but also produced splendid glazes covering yellow-clay pots. Forms, flanged and beaded or with reeded rim. It is usually very heavy, almost the weight of stoneware. The shiny pieces do not sell for the premium prices of matte glaze pieces. Welcome to Bill Garland's Alabama stoneware web site. Additional funding is provided by public television viewers. Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group:, This step by step guide to archaeological techniques is one of a series prepared by Jigsaw a network of Cambridgeshire groups working alongside Oxford Archaeology East. As a rule of thumb, you are looking to establish what maker the piece is. Start a collection or add to your existing. #antiquesroadshow An unmarked piece of pottery is one that has no logo, stamp, date, or number. The same general dating can be used for Hull, Weller, and other American companies of the first half of the Twentieth Century. Majolica is typically made of earthenware or porcelain. Once you have done this for a few years, you will develop confidence in your skill. There is also the option of consulting an expert for surety. Comparatively speaking, American pottery is heftier than pieces from Europe and Asia. An off-white, very fine, light firing fabric, wheel made and fired in kilns. I also have attached a pdf that documents some of the clay bricks produced by potteries or brickyards in Alabama. Mortaria were imported and made in Britain throughout the Roman period, and were made under the auspices of most major pottery industries. Once the clay color has been examined, the weight of the pot has been considered, and it has been determined to likely be an American pottery, then a cursory glance at the glaze may help with certain identification. Identifying the manufacturer, age or value of your porcelain and pottery is made easier and accurate by looking at the markings on the back. Some people who find artifacts choose simply to admire their craftsmanship. There are many types, all with different designs or no design at all. Learn how to distinguish American pottery by clay color, the base, numbers written on the foot, glaze type and the weight. Roseville, McCoy and Brush are examples of the yellow clay potters. Haeger often looks as if it has a "seam" in the middle of the glazed bottom, and that helps in the identification of any Haeger or Royal Haeger that is not otherwise marked. During the late 30s and 50s, some companies adopted a shiny glaze for their pieces. In cemetery sites people are buried with grave goods. Tips and tricks on how to shop for American pottery and how to get the best value for your time. Most of the factories went out of business before 1980, as foreign imports made competitive pricing with any profit a difficult endeavor, but some studios continue to produce artistic products for sale in crafts shops and individual showrooms. Some were designed for daily use while others were designed for special occasions and celebration. You can find more photos and information about checking the bottom of the pot to identify American pottery in this article. The bottom has an unglazed area, revealing the type of clay used on the piece. Great detail in hand-painting and hand-work including sgraffitoScratching the surface to create a graffiti design. For this, you may have to turn the piece and check the unglazed area at the bottom. ANTIQUE RYE POTTERY STONEWARE SALT BOTTLE MARION CO. ALABAMA. This continued through the 1920's. For more detailed information on these and other pottery types within the Southeastern United States, please see our "Publications" page to order Lloyd Schroder's Field Guide to Southeastern Indian Pottery. Decoration on neck parallel vertical incisions. Of course there are lots more, but if you have a piece of pottery with a red clay base, this is a start. (More information through this link to Wikipedia.) In many instances, an inexperienced eye would have a hard time distinguishing between faux and antique pieces, especially when they are unmarked. Dryden was originally located in Ellsworth, Kansas, but relocated to Hot Springs, Arkansas in the 1950s. By the 7th century for the most part stamping is the only decoration. American Bisque used the wedge shapes routinely, so that is always my first guess on a piece with a dry wedge foot. $10.70 shipping. Status: the proportion of decorated samian increases with site status. Minerals of Alabama. See how the pink clay Dutch boy (left) has a pink clay color so his face, base and backpack don't require additional paint? However, if the bottom is clean, it most probably is a disguised faux. After carbon burn-out, iron compounds in the clay will convert to ferric oxide and the pot will turn red, or grey if there is less iron. The common patterns are bright and glide in gold. This meant that stoneware jars and jugs could be used to store water, cider, oils, turpentine, syrup, molasses, vinegar, and whiskey. These jugtown potters were almost always men, in large part because the work was physically demanding. I thought it might be English due to the the shape of the helmet and the reference to the long-bow. The area and the configuration of the pointed arrowhead are sufficient to limit your options to just 12 potential types. The matte finish was the trend some time in the 1915s to 1930s. (A brief aside about RedWing and RumRill: RumRill was made by RedWing for several years, using George RumRill's designs at RedWing.). If your vase is made of glass, the texture, thickness, and composition can also indicate your piece's age. This era's pottery is known for the intentionality of producing and supplying unique utilitarian earthenware. The glazes were alkaline and were green to dark brown. There is a common misunderstanding that pottery with no markings is not valuable. As established in this article, there are several ways to identify pottery with no markings. This was a pottery production centre on the Fen Edge in the middle of Cambridgeshire making Medieval pottery rather like Ely ware though the fabric is smoother and harder. This is probably most evident in Van Briggle and Rookwood. Mortaria were often stamped on the flange, adding to their potential as a dating tool. Camark had some intricate handles as well. On the other hand, if two Alabama stoneware collectors both wanted this pot, the price could well escalate, Cowan notes. These include Shawnee and Hull, two of the major production companies in the early 20th century. We carry pottery from the most amazing Alabama potters. Pottery was being produced on the Italian peninsula even before the Roman era by the Etruscans and has continued on into the present. Different colors of clay were used at varying times, and others are synonymous with particular regions. Another blow came from a strong railroad network rebuilt in the South after the Civil War, and then the advent of trucking, which could get cheaper stoneware and alternative containers to the rural market quickly and inexpensively. While recovered in domestic assemblages the pottery is also known from cremation burials in south-east England. It was a dramatic decrease in family pottery after World War I.". "My grandkids," LeAnn says, "no longer get to drop stuff into it.". Other potters moved west from the Atlantic Piedmont, bringing their alkaline and salt glaze traditions to the state. What I call "sloppy" pots were made by Burley-Winter, Zanesville and sometimes McCoy. Additionally, check for designs and indentations found at the bottom of the piece. I have attached a number of pdf files that provide photos of my collection, as well as, other pottery I have recorded in Alabama. If you pick up a piece of pottery and it has identifying marks such as a name or logo, you can easily determine the maker. It is also made with a special type of clay called kaolin. Morton pottery made lots of drip glaze pots and figurines, and it is becoming collectible. Hopefully, this will aid others in identifying their pottery. Here are the 5 key ways to identify Roseville pottery Pottery Marks Pottery marks are found in the unglazed area on the underside of a piece, appearing as a series of letters or numbers. It is essential to look for an unglazed area to determine the clay color. In fact, they represent nearly 13,000 years of technological innovation by many cultures. The Ellsworth production was tan clay and the Hot Springs production was a lighter color of tan, closer to the white of other Arkansas potteries -- since they used the clay from Malvern. Look for McCoy pottery in common shapes. Look for varied words or numbers inside the classic blue crown. Only the large storage vessels are handmade. (A quick aside about Alamo and Gilmer: Alamo and Gilmer potteries were related companies and used many of the same designs some originally from famous Texas potter Harding Black. Check the color, then the design of the bottom whether a dry foot, flat bottom, wedged base, ridged bottom or stilts. Niloak is often white clay, and much of the Niloak was heavier with a wider foot (left) or base than many other American potteries of that era. For this, you may have to turn the piece and check the unglazed area at the bottom. Large storage jars and bowl-shaped vases. View this Vontury leaf bowl (left), for example. But stoneware, which had largely supplanted earthenware in the United States by the time Alabama was being settled in the 1830s, was fired at a higher temperature with clay that contained more silica. Some types are tempered with sand and some with clay; others with what some would call no temper at all, only to discover that there are small, microscopic sponge spicules that hold it together. At times, faux pieces are made to look older than they actually are by being painted brown. Workshops in various parts of Japan began to produce Satsuma, and the potters followed specific templates - the bowl of a Japanese vase with gold glaze was typically cream-colored. Fine red pottery with a glossy red slip. "Its main use was probably as a syrup jug." They were used to contain liquids decanted from amphorae. Like the pot sherds that were broken and cast aside, then recovered and rounded into gaming stones to become the center of joy in an Indian's life, our broken lives can be renewed to become the center of joy in the Potter's heart. Some Hawaii pieces are also white clay, like this Hawaiian pitcher on the left. A general term to describe cordoned jars, pedestalled cups and jars, butt beakers and, for the first time, wheel-thrown pottery. Another way of identifying unmarked porcelain pottery is through the color test. Some of it is wheel-made, some is handmade, and the fabric usually has buff surfaces (but not always) and a blackgrey core, with some calcareous (white blobs) temper. "They could also be used to preserve candied, smoked, salted, pickled, and dried foodstuffs." One reason for this is that during production, porcelain is subjected to high temperatures. Watch More: Identifying collectible stoneware pottery isn't really that difficult once you know what you need to be looking out for. All have different tempers, some of grit or small pebbles, some of Spanish Moss that has burned away, leaving only a trace of its existence. Some industries create polychrome Some Dryden has a flat unglazed bottom, and that, along with the sandy clay helps identify older Dryden, even if the mark is not readable. Identify the differences in U.S. ceramics and information about the manufacturing process. Georgia, Alabama, and North and South Carolina have available veins of red clay that are suitable for pottery, so consider makers in those geographical areas if you have a red clay pot to identify. Crystalline glazes were done in early Camark and early Haeger, like this pot by Haeger marked 431 (right). Scratching the surface to create a graffiti design. One way to check if unmarked pottery is antique or faux is by checking the bottom of the piece. Stilt marks (left) may look like damage at first, but are a good distinguishing feature. Roseville, for one, had both shiny and matte patterns side by side for many years. Ancestry, One way of identifying American pottery is its weight. I have been able to identify several Camark pieces instantly by the saw marks take a look at this Camark creamer with saw marks (left). ", LeAnn says that if her jug, which could have held a few gallons, was used for alcohol, "it would be a party jug.". The information can also be used to determine its value . McCoy pottery is usually marked with the McCoy name or logo. Frankoma didn't start out with red clay, and you'll see references to "Ada clay" in information about Frankoma. Clay used to make antique pieces is old and dusty compared to the one used on faux pieces. Identify it by its texture, which ranges from coarse to smooth, and its clay colors, ranging from white to. followed the English tradition of ovoid-shaped pottery. If you'd like to know more about how to identify pottery with no markings, check out this article that I wrote. The bottom shows the name, if there is one, the color of the clay, the way the piece is fired, and other characteristics that help with the identification. We have tried to include as many ceramics and pottery marks as possible, but also tried to avoid too much duplication. 1997 2023 WGBH Educational Foundation. It helps me keep the website going. Clay-throwing came later and there are a few ways to work out how to identify antique pottery from the wheel. Remember to look at Camark and Niloak, too, because they used a white clay for much of their production. Today Alabama stoneware has largely become the domain of local collectors. @RoadshowPBS, We're soaking up the story behind this @LeslieKeno appraisal! Also manufactured outside Thetford at various sites including Ipswich and Norwich. Van Briggle pottery is usually hand-marked and often has a clear glaze on the bottom, but the older pieces are often tan clay. Here are some tips on how to identify McCoy pottery: 1. 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